I like especially the part where the bullet crumpled up when it hit Superman's eyeball. How cool is that?
And the new star of Superman, Brandon Routh, who has the similar look like our good ol' Superman - Christopher Reeves, is pretty cute.

Ok, Hollywood entertainment of 2 hour of Superman saving the world being destroyed by the villain aside, this superhero is uncannily seems like a potrayal of Jesus Christ. Funnily, the Catholic church did not make any noise about this, like how they did for Da Vincci Code.
Well, the movie tell us that Superman was sent to earth by his father. In the bible, Jesus was sent to earth by God, whom is the Father. Superman has super ordinary strength. And Jesus can perform miracle powers.
And the names...
Martha, name of Superman's mother starts with M, like Mary
Lex Luther, the evil villain, starts with L, like Lucifer
And there is this part in the movie where Jor-El says to Clark, "Even though you've been raised as a human being you're not one of them. They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you... my only son"
Doesn't it sound like what we have been taught in Christianity where God send His only begotten son to us?
Clark, with his Superman front, says to Lois in one nite... "You wrote that the world doesn't need a saviour, but every day I hear people crying for one."
Did I hear Saviour? Isn't Jesus the Saviour too?
In the movie, Superman died for brief time and was alive again. Jesus died too and was resurrected.
And the movie poster, where Superman is floating has the same kind of pose like some pictures of Jesus. Well, it kinda reminded me of Jesus. See below...

Anyhow, I would still suggest that everyone free some time to go watch Superman Returns. For me, I felt like a kid again, cos Superman was the "IN" superhero during my childhood. It is also a nicer experience to watch this movie on the big screen.
And they dedicated this movie to the late Christopher and Dana Reeves. Nice, isn't it?