Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Feeling like Crap

I am feeling like crap. Still down with cough. It is so irritating especially when I am talking coz I will be coughing every now and then.

Now I even have nose block and running nose occasionally. Darn!

I have tried cough mixtures, ayurvedic medication and chinese medication. Probably too many different mix of medications is making me feeling worse.

krazie*angel going home early to rest


Allyfeel said...

Aiyoo, now it's me that is having cough and running nose. It must be you passing them to me.

k*a said...

i am so sorry. i knew this will happen. i have no more running nose but still coughing. it is irritating.

allyfeel, do u some of my medication?

stargazer, thanks. btw, i saw a stargazer during my last diving trip during a nite dive. it was hiding under the sand but my buddy spotted it. i hope to find the photo and i might upload it here, for you.